Dear Ella,
Some what surprisingly the world continued to turn and life carried on - as we all quietly marked the anniversary of you leaving us.
Difficult for everyone to know what to do, hardly a time that anyone of us wanted to celebrate - but it needed to be marked, navigated and coped with.
I disappeared to the mountains of North Wales - huge open spaces, soaring mountains, physical exertion, reassuring steady company and time to pause.
The A5 was strangely therapeutic as the miles clocked by - Ella music up loud - with some tracks on over and over again. The countryside passing by, unfamiliar places and unknown people going about their daily lives and routines.
I climbed high, really high - but of course you weren't there - it got me closer to the sky and maybe closer to where you perhaps are busy getting on with what ever you are doing.
Home now - with aching muscles to add to my aching heart.
Signing off with my mantra that got me to the top of each mountain - courtesy of your heroes - Greenday:
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right,
I hope you had the time of your life.
Lots of love