Dear Ella,
A Monday working day over at SACO - promised I looked forward to it - forever your "I don't like Mondays" resonates with us all. Now settling down to an evening of admin on fundraising activity -
crikey mate you have kicked up a storm!
Around 100 people running the Bristol 10k on 5 May. We have arranged a pre and post venue meet up point with "Lorraine" catering, Run for Ella T shirts designed by Sophie and Jim, press photo shoots and on it goes
A cricket match on 23 June - at Ashton Park School with teachers and all sorts involved - U Jim and Mark sorting
A bike ride to Glastonbury and back on 20 and 21 July. You never made it so we are going for you! U Bob in charge
Nail varnish production - "Redmania" - Clare and Maisy
Art exhibition - Jude
...and lots more (someone is cycling from Bristol to Amsterdam, never mind Glasonbury!) So far the Just Giving pages are approaching £4,000 - and we have barely started - we will get that unit up and running, I promise.
It all takes lots of work - but I am not alone - a great team with me and of course you at the front as the inspiration - I can feel you pushing us on.
Lots of love
Yes, cycle ride planning under way. Granddad and me (and perhaps U Jim) going to Glastonbury on April 13th to check things out.