Saturday 31 January 2015

Surrounded by you

Dear Ella,

Lots of familiar memories this week.

Long waits in hospitals, making friends with medical staff, walking with someone you love nearly all the way into the operating theatre, the 2 am call for pain relief, cups of tea and bedside chats at 5am, waiting for a long night to be over and another day to start, buying lovely food and cooking it just right to tempt and cajole recovery and wellness.

It's so easy to do when you love someone a lot like you or my lovely Dad.   Brave and ancient Grandad  - so determined and stalwart about trying to hear and see again - so that he can join in life full time, rather than hanging around on the fringes.

You were all around "literally" as I enjoyed my sleepovers at the bungalow - surrounded by photos of you, Sophie, Tommy, Kezia - and there were even a few of me and the uncles, looking considerably younger I might add!  Even Christmas cards and notes from you to Granny…..

So a long old week, nice its now Saturday with time to sit back and do whatever feels right - like go for a run and write to you.

Ran to you tree, its a bit bare - but your ribbons were blowing energetically in the January afternoon breeze.  There is a red ribbon now - I wonder who that is from.

 I sat for  a while and concentrated hard on you and re read what your tree says "Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, but abut dancing in the rain".

We are all dancing as often as we can.

Lots of love

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