Wednesday 26 March 2014

Writing it all down

Dear Ella,

Writing it all down really does help - either here on the blog, scribbled in journals, or on an e mail to a friend, loved one or whoever.

The words tumble out, scatter across the page, get reordered and then committed to print.  Its like a conscious and unconscious brain flow.  The really great thing is that you can go back and read them later - maybe a few minutes later or even days, weeks, months or years.

The other evening I found some journal scribblings I had written about seven years ago.  They made for painful but reassuring reading, I had even written down a conversation that you and me had had one evening (not painful) - very lovely, insightful and grown up - a bonding moment.  Thank goodness I had written it down, else I would never have remembered it.

Writing = memories = good

I went on a writing course for a day last year and loved this quote

The first draft of anything is shit. Ernest Hemingway

Lots of love


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