Tuesday 2 April 2013

Sitting in the dark..

Dear Ella

I have discovered that I like sitting in the dark - watching something!

So going to the cinema or theatre =  a good place to be.

Did it again at the weekend - went to the Theatre in London to see "The Mousetrap" - good old fashioned theatre, but absorbing.

Call it therapy or what ever, but it works for me just now - it's sort of peaceful, undemanding, safe and a distraction.

Lots of love



  1. I think what I love about the cinema or the theatre is I get so absorbed I don't think about anything else, it's like a few hours where my brain entirely switches off and I can be totally transported somewhere else. It's good to have those "off" moments!
    Lots of love!

  2. Great show Jo - make sure you keep the "mousetrap" code and keep the story only to those who have been !

  3. Good comment Andy, the hysterical thing is that I have seen the show and do remember we have to keep the code but I can't for the life of me remeber "who dun it" anyway!! The older I get the worse my memory gets.
